Thursday, October 25, 2012

And this is why I always have a container of ganache handy...

Apparently my house is some sort of time-space nexus where time is reset everyday.  I'm sure if I thought about it hard enough I could pull in a Star Trek reference, but typing this post is the best I can do for now.  I can only assume some sort of temporal disturbance (oh, maybe some wormhole activity associated with the dishwasher???) to explain the fact that, each day, my children are completely blindsided by reminders to brush their teeth, brush their hair and do their homework.  I'm no rocket scientist (as evidenced by my lack of awesome Star Trekness here), but you'd think that this information would sink in eventually...therefore, I think that it must be the time-space continuum, and not them.

As a solution, I'll be making a chart complete with numbers associated to tasks, so I only have to say "number 3" and they can look at the chart to see "brush teeth."  Or "number 47-don't hit your brother with a golf club."  All of which will be eventually followed by   "number 2"...because that's how this makes me feel.

Is that the only reason I keep ganache so handy?  No, of course not.  But it is the reason it's right in the front of the to the beer.

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